Pre & Post-doctoral Fellowships

Pre & Post-doctoral Fellowships Available in Kidney, Urological & Hematological Research

We are seeking applications for training investigators in the fields of benign kidney, urology & hematology. We have brought together expertise in research and education to establish the New York Consortium for Interdisciplinary Training in Kidney, Urological, and Hematological Research (KUHR: pronounced “cure”).

The fellowships, funded by the NIH, allow interdisciplinary training with world class investigators across 4 prestigious New York Research Institutions.

Applications now being accepted for 2-3-year pre & post-doctoral training grants starting July 1, 2023. Both applicants & mentors should submit application documents by May 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET.
Applicants should submit 1 PDF which includes:Applicants should submit 1 PDF which includes:
For each applicant, 2 letters of recommendation should be uploaded by the letter writer
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